I’m sure most of us wake up hoping to have a positive day. We want to have a good day no matter what! Whether it’s having an amazing day at work, school, or just on your days off. But, how can you have a positive day when more often than not, you wake up overwhelmed and stressed out?
You worry about how the day is going to go…with work, never ending tasks, must-dos, deadlines, bills, chores, dealing with people who are having just as much of a bad day as you, etc. It’s enough to make you want to just roll back in your cozy bed and hide under the comforts of your warm blanket. Even though that’s needed on some days, we both know that it is counterproductive.
As amazing as the idea of having a perfect day every single day is (whoa, that was a mouthful), it is not very realistic. It is very hard to predict certain events that will happen or control other people’s actions that may impact how your day will turn out.
For even more ways to help you, you can pick up How to Have a Good Day: Harness the Power of Behavioral Science to Transform Your Working Life (CROWN BUSINESS) on Amazon.
What we will focus on are things that YOU can control and ways you can set yourself up to have a better, more positive day.
1. Start Preparing the Night Before
Yes, it’s hard to predict how your day is going to go, but if you set out a detailed schedule of your day, it’s giving yourself an insight into how you want your day to play out. You will wake up with a purpose!
If your day is organized, you don’t have to run around frazzled wondering if you have time to do what you need to. Make sure it’s written out, either on paper or electronically. Personally, I started using google calendar and time blocking my day so I have a good picture of how I want my day to turn out.
TIP: When you run into roadblocks, you want to be fluid and not dwell, take a breath and move some things around to meet your daily expectations. Know where your priorities are and go from there.
2. Establish a Morning Routine
This goes with tip number one. Having a routine greatly improves your day because it provides structure. Completing your routine will give you an instant sense of accomplishment and that’s an amazing way to start the day.
3. Practice Gratitude First Thing in the Morning
You can even add this to your morning routine depending on how extensive you want it to be. Having positive thoughts in the morning is a really good foundation for an overall positive day. You can do it for a few seconds as soon as you wake up. Or, take more time to sit quietly, some people use prayers, or some people prefer to journal. It doesn’t matter which way you practice gratitude as long as you are taking a moment to recognize the positive aspects of your life.
Be thankful that you woke up that day, be thankful for your family, your significant other, your pets, that you have a job (even if you hate that job, it’s providing you the means to pay for necessities, while you figure out something better), be thankful for your health, etc. It doesn’t matter how big or small, find something to be grateful for and realize how lucky you are to have them.
4. Listen to Motivational and Positivity videos/audios
It’s almost like a transference of positive energy when you do this. When you listen to motivational videos or audios, it activates the part of your brain that impacts motivation. With more motivation, you are more likely to achieve your tasks for the day. Again, giving you that sense of accomplishment — which is a very positive thought. Think of it as your own personal coach giving you a pep talk right before taking on the big day.
You can read and explore the science behind motivation HERE.
5. Learn to be in Control of your Emotions
As I mentioned earlier, it is impossible to predict what events will unfold throughout the day, and it is even more impossible to predict other people’s actions. The best way to stay positive when both those things are not turning out in your favor is to do the only thing you can do, and that is to react appropriately. Preferably in a more positive manner in accordance to the situations you are faced with. I said preferably in more positive manner, because sometimes we come across instances that will really test us as a person. It will be a lot of me to ask another human being with real emotions to always react positively. So instead, try to deal with it in a more appropriate manner that you will not regret later and you will be better off in the long run. You’ll eventually think back and feel good about yourself for handling a situation appropriately.
RELATED ARTICLE: How to De-Stress Yourself in 30 Mins or Less
6. Surround Yourself with Positive People/Energy
This one is pretty self explanatory. People change… evolve, sometimes for the better, other times not so much. If you are on a journey to improve yourself, and are not getting that support from the people around you, then it is time to change that. Imagine trying to be the source of positivity every time you are around someone. That sounds exhausting! You need to be in a space where you can absorb other people’s positivity either in a way of them encouraging you or enabling you to grow. It also works both ways, take time to provide positivity to others as well. If you find yourself in a space where the negativity starts to creep in, remove yourself from it promptly!
7. Take Time for Yourself
Learn to unwind after a long and busy day. Please do what works best for you. Some are happy getting into the warm bath and having a cup of tea and reading right before bed. Others prefer to sweat it off. Then there are some who just want to enjoy the company of their loved ones. Make sure you set aside time to reward yourself and acknowledge the amazing job you’ve done. It will set up an amazing way to end your day.
These are just some tips to give yourself the best chance to have a great and positive day. You can try to put some of if or all of it into practice. Just remember that it’s a process and it will take time to establish this mindset.
Tampa blogger that loves to try new things! Loves to write about experiences that make her happy hoping to inspire others to find their own bliss.